Dave Frazie as "The Babe"
Statement of Faith

We believe 
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God in all parts and wholly without error.

We believe 
In one true God, who is the person of the Trinity: perfect, infinite and eternal. He is the second person of the Trinity, the Eternal Word, and the Only Begotten Son.  He became a man by the miracle of the virgin birth. 

We believe 
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, that He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and He has come to empower the Christian to live the victorious Christian life. 

We believe 
That all men, by nature and choice are sinners and lost.

We believe
Salvation is by grace through faith and is a free gift of God, neither earned by self-righteous or religious work of man but is received by personal faith in Jesus Christ. 

We believe
In the second comming of Christ and that his comming, which is our blessed hope, is always imminent.